Testing, Debugging, Known Issues and Future Work

Test and debugging (System level)

This document collects known problems and issues with the autonomous platform and how to resolve them.

If the existing documentation could not provide a sufficient solution for a problem. Please add your problem and new solution to this document. It will help future members of this project.

Possible Errors When Starting AP4

Problem: Steering works but not propulsion?

Solution(s): Check that segway is turned on (and charged), check that the the propulsion can be controlled manually by pressing the pedals. The back wheels should spin.

Problem: Segway is beeping? and wheels are turning backwards

Solution: the segway is in reverse mode, quickly press the brake pedals twice. The beeping should stop and segway should move forward when pressing the accelerator pad.

Problem: Segway is beeping and a yellow/orange light flashes on the front console / nose.

Solution: The batteries for the front black box circuits need to be replaced. Open the black compartment on the nose and replace the 6 AA batteries.

Problem: Neither steering or propulsion works.

Solution: Wait for two minutes, The hardware interface software on the raspberry pi could take a while to boot up

Problem: Neither steering or propulsion works after waiting 2 minutes after power ON.

Solution: Connect a screen (portable small screen) and keyboard + mouse to the raspberry pi to verify that it has booted up properly.

Sub-problem: Raspberry Pi could not boot up? Or stuck on boot-up sequence?

Solution: Fix errors using command line, try rebooting system. Follow steps down below to make sure the system is working correctly if the raspberry pi has successfully booted up.

  1. Check that the Hardware_Interface docker container is running on the Raspberry Pi In a terminal:
docker container ps

Expected output should look something like this, the important thing is that the container is up and running.


xxxx   hardware_interface_low_level_computer_ros2   xxxx   10 seconds ago   Up 10 seconds             ap4hwi

If the container has not started there are two possibilities: 1. The container is still being built (could take a lot of time if new changes have been pulled). 2. The startup service has not been started properly (could have failed due to docker building errors) systemd service guide

The startup service will run the 'testing.bash' script located in Hardware_Interface_Low_Level_Computer once called.

In a terminal check that the service has been started

sudo systemctl status startup_lowlevel.service


systemd status In the terminal it would explicity say if something has failed and the service did not start properly. Note that it says ERROR in the screenshot above. Something is therefore wrong!

Docker Container starting/Building

If the docker container is not built properly none of the hardware interface software will start properly.

Check that the router has internet connection

Try rebuilding the docker container:

cd Desktop
cd GIT
cd autonomous_platform
cd Hardware_Interface_Low_level_Computer
docker-compose build

If this fails, there could be something wrong with the dockerfile or docker-compose file.

One possible error is "error creating overlay mount...". See image below.

docker build error

This could occur because a specific docker layer could not be built. Try pruning the existing docker caches and rebuilding. (This will take some time on Raspberry Pi hardware, enter the commands and grab some coffee!!) Rebuilding a docker container without any saved caches takes about 10 minutes.

docker system prune
docker-compose build

Another error that has previously occurred can be seen in the image below.

docker_build_error Some files in the repository have been corrupted.

To verify that local files are corrupt in the autonomous_platform repository enter the directory and try pulling changes. In a new console:

cd Desktop
cd GIT
cd autonomous_platform_generation_4
git pull

The output will be something like:

Raspberry pi corrupted repository

To resolve this issue, delete the corrupted files and pull from gitlab. According to this forum post.

In the repository directory run the following commands:

find .git/objects/ -size 0 -delete
git pull

Testing and Debugging Components

  1. Make sure CAN bus messages are sent and received on linux SocketCAN interface On the raspberry Pi desktop. Open a new terminal and dump CAN messages
candump can0

Expected output (or similar). The import thing is that can messages are received.

  can0  7D0   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  can0  7D0   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  can0  7D0   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  can0  7D0   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  can0  7D0   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  can0  7D0   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  can0  5DC   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  can0  7D0   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  can0  7D0   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  can0  7D0   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  can0  7D0   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  can0  7D0   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  can0  7D0   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  can0  7D0   [8]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

If nothing shows up, it means that there is either something wrong with the CAN bus hardware, or in the low-level software. If the command could not be run, it means that the startup service did not complete and initialize the right commands. (such as sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 1000000) Try rerunning the startup service script by restarting the service.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable startup_lowlevel.service

The next step is to enter the low level software and rerunning the same command. The output should be the same as above. If this it works it means that the linuxsocketcan has been passed through properly.

docker exec -it ap4hwi bash
candump can0
  1. Check that the ROS2 nodes have been launched correctly

First enter the docker hwi container environment

docker exec -it ap4hwi bash

Secondly, enter the correct directory, source environment variables and set the correct environment variables

cd ap4hwi_ws
source install/setup.bash
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1

To check which ROS2 nodes are up and running, enter

ros2 node list

The expected output (as of 22/8-2023):

ROS active nodes

If the correct ROS2 nodes have not been started, check that the container built successfully. Try rebuilding the container manually. Make sure the Raspberry Pi has internet access.

IF the container has started properly yet no ROS2 node is up, it can mean that the ROS2 software packages could not be built. To check this, try building them manually and running the ROS2 launch file.

Enter the docker container

docker exec -it ap4hwi bash

Navigate into the ROS2 workspace

cd ap4hwi_ws

Source ROS2 environment

source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash

Build the low level software ROS2 components

colcon build

It will explicitly output in the terminal how many packages succeeded / failed. A C / Python output will be noted in the terminal. If any of packages failed, resolve the issue wich is presented in the terminal.

Source new ROS2 environment

source install/setup.bash

set environment variable

export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1

Run the ROS2 launch file which starts up the software nodes

ros2 launch launch_hwi_software_pkg launch_hwi_ros_software.launch.py

The output should look something similar to this once the startup script has been run:

ROS2 launch

Try restarting the container and verify that the corrected nodes has been started successfully as described above.

VERY IMPORTANT: MAKE SURE THAT THE hwi_startup.bash script is actually run when the container is spun up. Look into the docker-compose file in `Hardware_Interface_Low_Level_Computer` directory. 

There is a command argument. command: xxxxxx

MAKE SURE THAT #command: /bin/bash -c "./hwi_startup.bash" IS UNCOMMENTED

Whilst debugging code it can be useful to comment this line out but the software will not start up when the container is started. It will cause a lot of confusion.

This is the expected output when the container is manually started:

docker manual start

  1. Check communication between low-level-software and SPCU

If the expected ROS2 nodes have been started correctly and the platform still cannot be controlled. Verify that the velocity command from \cmd_vel topic is being published on.

ros2 topic echo /cmd_vel

Next, verify that the vehicle controller is outputting desired set voltages for pedals and steering

ros2 topic echo @TODO ACC + BREAK + STEERING ANGLE

Next Verify that the SPCU software and low-level software can communicate. The low-level software can request a ping signal from the ECUs on one topic and receive ping confirmations on another. The ping will be sent over the CAN