Imitation Learning

Imitation Learning Network

To collect data from training and test drive rosbag2 is used. The data collection is done in the High Level Planner Docker and specifically in the folder bagfiles_2024, within source. With the High Level Control Docker running, the directory is accessed as follows.

docker exec -it ap4hlc bash
source rosbag_startup.bash


docker exec -it ap4hlc bash
cd ap4hlc_ws
source install/setup.bash
cd ap4hlc_ws/src/bagfiles_2024

To record topics from the physical Go-Kart you will have to be in ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1 such as

export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1

When data is published to the topics which you want to record data from (probably /cmd_vel, /color/image, /stereo/depth, /imu)

ros2 bag record cmd_vel_stamped color/image stereo/depth imu

The recorded data can be replayed as, replacing with the desired bag:

ros2 bag play <bag>

The playback can also be played as a loop

ros2 bag play --loop <bag>

Empty bagfiles directory

rm -R -- */

to delete all files in a directory wihtout deleting any folders run:

find . -type f -delete

Instead of saving the data to a rosbag and then play it back creating a .pkl file it can also directly be recorded into a .pkl file using the following command:

docker exec -it ap4hlc bash
source data_collection_startup.bash

To train the network using the collected data, the data is written to a .pkl file as this allows training the network fully outside of ROS. This is done by playing the desired rosbag while running the file It is important to start the data_collection file before starting playing the rosbag. It is also important to play the rosbag with loop for it to be able to collect all the messages.

The subscriber queue deletes the messages with the oldest timestamp first. Therefore no messages will be collected on the second run of the loop.

The file is run in the High Level Computer docker as:

ros2 run autonomous_platform_robot_description_pkg 

The .pkl file can then be used as input within, found in /autonomous_platform/Imitation_Learning/

OAK-D camera node

Before running the OAK-D camera node, build the docker with:

docker build --build-arg USE_RVIZ=1 -t depthai-ros .

To start OAK-D camera nodes enter the High_Level_Control_Computer directory and run:


This will launch the camera at the resolution 208 x 156, the resolution can be change by changing rgbScaleDinominator and rgbScaleNumerator in '', however there is a latancy at higher resolutions for the depth image. Possible resolutions can be seen in the table below:

4056 x 3040 * 2/13 --> 624 x 468 4056 x 3040 * 2/39 --> 208 x 156 4056 x 3040 * 2/51 --> 160 x 120 4056 x 3040 * 4/13 --> 1248 x 936 4056 x 3040 * 4/26 --> 624 x 468 4056 x 3040 * 4/29 --> 560 x 420 4056 x 3040 * 4/35 --> 464 x 348 4056 x 3040 * 4/39 --> 416 x 312 4056 x 3040 * 6/13 --> 1872 x 1404 4056 x 3040 * 6/39 --> 624 x 468 4056 x 3040 * 7/25 --> 1136 x 852 4056 x 3040 * 8/26 --> 1248 x 936 4056 x 3040 * 8/39 --> 832 x 624 4056 x 3040 * 8/52 --> 624 x 468 4056 x 3040 * 8/58 --> 560 x 420 4056 x 3040 * 10/39 --> 1040 x 780 4056 x 3040 * 10/59 --> 688 x 516 4056 x 3040 * 12/17 --> 2864 x 2146 4056 x 3040 * 12/26 --> 1872 x 1404 4056 x 3040 * 12/39 --> 1248 x 936 4056 x 3040 * 13/16 --> 3296 x 2470 4056 x 3040 * 14/39 --> 1456 x 1092 4056 x 3040 * 14/50 --> 1136 x 852 4056 x 3040 * 14/53 --> 1072 x 804 4056 x 3040 * 16/39 --> 1664 x 1248 4056 x 3040 * 16/52 --> 1248 x 936